Deco Gear Blog

Outdoor Pizza Oven Table Ideas


If you are a fan of pizza, then you know that there is nothing quite like making your own homemade pizza in a wood-fired pizza oven. Making a pie with your own hands really takes the pizza experience to the next level. It can take a lot of space, time, and money to build...
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Best Ice Machine for Outdoor Kitchens


Spring is here and with it summer is just around the corner. That means, spending time with family and friends outdoors in the warm sun having a great experience. This is a great time of year, whether having a backyard bbq, hanging by a pool or just grabbing a tan, you want to stay...
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What Makes a Good Gaming Monitor


If you are anything like me, well, then you are a gamer. As a gamer, we know that your gaming experience is so dependent on the type of display that you use. In today’s ultra competitive online gaming world, specs such as low latency or low input lag, higher resolution and higher refresh rates...
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What is an HDR Monitor?


Are you a home user? Are you a professional user? Are you a gamer? Maybe a little of all three? Looking for a great PC Monitor? Well you need an HDR Monitor to support HDR content. A monitor having a display technology that can produce a high dynamic range of the color space in...
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How to Air Fry Chicken


Air frying has become many American’s preferred way to cook in recent years, and chicken has always been a popular choice for experimentation. You can find dozens of recipes on the internet for a variety of different chicken recipes, and it’s no secret why. The answer lies in chicken’s nutrition information. The meat is...
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Care and Maintenance: How to Clean a Pizza Stone


Pizza lovers know that the perfect pizza crust can make or break a pizza. Using a baking sheet is the number one mistake that home cooks make when trying to achieve the perfect crust. However, the solution is simple: use a pizza stone. With its unique ability to reach high temperatures, it is the...
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Best Essential Lawn Care Equipment of 2023


It’s just about spring and that means it’s time to do some lawn care and tidy up the landscaping around your house. Taking care of your property inside and out is important to all homeowners and unless you want to pay top dollar to a lawn care business to do something that can be...
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